Softball For All

Softball For All (SFA) is a  platform in which families could donate used softball equipment. In turn, those families needing equipment could “borrow” the used equipment from SFA. The key to the program is there’s no money exchanged at any point because everything is free.

Items eligible for SFA include gloves, cleats, bats, bat bags, pants and helmets. All equipment donated should be in good working condition and as clean as possible. SFA is not for old, obsolete, dilapidated equipment. Simply put, we don’t want junk.

We’ll begin accepting equipment for SFA at our November 11th potluck party, but we will not be distributing equipment to any families at this time. We’ll have a designated space at the party for the donated equipment and obviously your donation is very appreciated.

We need volunteers to keep things organized in the shed and for consistency around the program.  If you are interested, give Buck a call at 969-5440.